Create a Project

Creating A Project

This section details how to create a project and add chips using the ers-scripts repo.

Set Up

If you are trying to execute a transaction it is assumed that you have also read the Set Up section. If you are just looking for an example read on

The project creation script uses the Developer account information to call addProject. If not already set (for instance, to claim a Developer name in ERS) the relevant part of the .env file should look something like this:


Replace the stand-in private keys (pulled from Hardhat) with the private key you wish to use. Make sure that you are using the correct private key for the network you are deploying to.


Arguments: network: The network you want to interact with (defaults to hardhat)

yarn createProject --network [network]

This script will prompt you for several pieces of information:

  1. Whether or not you wish to create a new project or add chips to an existing project; if you select an existing project, artifacts in task_outputs will be used to suggest options or you can manually enter the address of an existing project. (both cases will be chain specific based on the network argument)
  2. How you would like to add tokenUri data: via a formatted CSV, using an existing URL, or skip. (this can be updated after contract deployment)
  3. If you are on localhost, you will be prompted to select a manufacturer enrollment as well. For other chains this information comes from the hosted Arx enrollment data on Supabase.

You will be prompted to scan a QR code on your NFC-enabled smartphone; scan the QR code on your smartphone and follow the prompts to capture chip proof data. You can scan your chip by tapping it to the NFC reader on the back of your smartphone.

Project Creation

When creating a project the script will prompt for a name and deploy the new project:

const projectRegistrarDeploy = await deploy("PBTSimpleProjectRegistrar", {
    from: developerOwner,
    args: [
        getDeployedContractAddress(, "ChipRegistry"),
        getDeployedContractAddress(, "ERSRegistry"),
        getDeployedContractAddress(, "OpenTransferPolicy"),

Next, the script will add the resulting project address to your DeveloperRegistrar:

const developerRegistrar = new DeveloperRegistrar__factory(await hre.ethers.getSigner(developerOwner)).attach(params.developerRegistrar);
await hre.deployments.rawTx({
    from: developerOwner,
    to: params.developerRegistrar,
    data: developerRegistrar.interface.encodeFunctionData(

Chip Addition

Once a project has been created -- or if a preexisting project has been provided -- chip information will subsequently be added to the project:

await rawTx({
    from: developerOwner,
    to: projectRegistrarAddress,
    data: projectRegistrar.interface.encodeFunctionData(
    [ => {
        return {
            chipId: chip.chipId,
            chipOwner: developerOwner,
            nameHash: calculateLabelHash(chip.chipId),
            manufacturerValidation: chip.manufacturerValidation,
            custodyProof: ownershipProofs.shift(),
        } as ProjectChipAddition

Note: If you are creating tokenUri data from a formatted CSV, make sure that you backup task_outputs. When chips are added to an existing project, task_outputs will be used to ensure that metadata from previously added chips is included in the final tokenUri data. If this data is missing, metadata with previously enrollment chips will be overwritten and their tokenUri will not resolve when looked up.

Defining Script Inputs

If you are planning to add rich metadata to chips then you can create an "input" CSV that is used to map content -- name, description, media -- to chips. Likewise, you can capture chip signature data independently from this script and prepopulate it in the same CSV file; this is useful in the case where you have a machine that is bulk scanning chips prior to being embedded.


1,,cash,beautiful cash nft,task_params/cash.jpeg,image/jpg,,,,


  • edition (required) - the edition number of a given chip; should be unique and incrementing from "1"
  • chipId - the chipId, if known, to be scanned. Unless there is also a developerProof this should typically be left empty.
  • name - the name of the chip; the approximates the name of an NFT (e.g. "Metafactory MF70 Bomber Jacket")
  • description - the description of the chip
  • media_uri - the media URI of the chip (if hosted) or the full local path to the chip (e.g. /Users/arx/pictures/picture.jpg)
  • media_mime_type - the MIME type of the media, e.g. image/jpeg
  • developerProof - the developerProof if already captured
  • projectRegistrar - the projectRegistrar if already captured
  • notes - nodes for Developer usage